Executive coaching is a collaborative learning  process between coach and client that promotes self-awareness in order to drive self transformation , achieve better management of personal goals, of team goals  and the growth of the organization itself.


Executives are able to work with the coach in order to identify their natural styles of leadership, identify strengths, weaknesses and find the best way to motivate and inspire themselves and their team members.  Much work and focus is dedicated to effective communication skills as this is key to having deep effective work  . My coaching approach is holistic and takes into consideration the needs and goals of the company and how best these can be communicated and executed by  teams and their  members without compromising  individual wellbeing stamina and long term motivation.


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. – Henry Ford”



Team Coaching is  essential in supporting your leaders to create a healthy work culture and a productive  work force.


We focus on:

  • Team communication, how to improve it
  • Goal setting that focus on outcomes and results rather than work load
  • Sense of belonging, how to make it happen
  • Support for team members, how to ask the question
  • Diversity and its strengths, how to motivate according to in
  • Clear Organization and structure
  • Importance of great energy, health, fun and wellbeing.


Let’s get your team in shape!